Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Garden Grows

Those who know me know that I have a brown thumb. I have killed more house plants than any other person on this planet. I just recently tried to fertilize my beautiful assortment of thriving porch plants - and killed all but one. (Must have been the OLD fertilizer I used.) So, to see this garden ACTUALLY PRODUCE VEGETABLES, is a blessing from above. Please say prayers, cross fingers, etc. that it will continue to do so. Thank you!


  1. Your garden looks great. Mine is just all but dead - bad year here in OK.

  2. Sorry to hear that Lou! We've been lucky here - blessed with just the right amount of sun/rain. No complaints. I'll think rainy thoughts for you folks.

  3. At least you HAVE a garden... :-) Keep up the good work!

  4. What Old NFO said. I miss picking dinner.
