Thursday, January 3, 2019

After A While Happy 2019!

I'm still here folks.  I was afraid that if I didn't post something here, I'd loose the site.  Hope all of you are well and had a good holiday. I'm still working as a 911 Dispatcher and am now a grandmother of one, soon to be two in February! I often think of our times here on blogspot and especially our friend in Portales who left us much too early. "Here's to you, Buck".  I know most of you have moved on to FB or Twitter but it's still nice to come back and read everyone's posts here... There's something about being able to post more detail here than on FB.  Seems no one really wants to read anything of great length anymore... just scroll, scroll, scroll!  If it doesn't have a picture, you barely stop to look!  Well, here is my picture... something that means I'm still here and represents my love for your stories and day to day musings.  I may not post here again for awhile but please know I am still a fan of all of you!
 "Still connected!"