Sunday, January 27, 2008

Remember When....

It's days like these (the snow is falling, the air is cold and raw)that I find myself daydreaming of summer, remembering all the fun I had over the past few summers. I spent countless hours on a warm sunny beach with a fishing pole knee deep in the ocean waters. Sometimes I walked through the conservation areas, deep into the cool woods on a hot afternoon. In the evening hours after the sun had set, my friends and I would light a bonfire out on Sandy Neck beach. We'd sit, talking and laughing about everything and anything. Mostly, I miss my hammock! I don't think there is anything better than lying in a comfortable hammock, in the shade of a giant oak tree, peering up through half closed eyes into the green and blue above. A true treasure! Seeing the yard in full bloom; the yellow of the daffodils, the pink of the wild roses, purple violets and the many shades of green in the ivy, the blades of grass, the leaves on the trees. The familiar sound of lawnmowers and thunderstorms and lightning bugs... guess I've got the fever early this year! Well, time to put on the 3 layers of clothes, gloves, scarf, boots... grab the chocolate awaits a job well done!

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