Wednesday, May 20, 2009


  1. You must have been bored out of your gourd :-)

  2. Nice doodle...mine are never that good:)

  3. Slow is good in your bid'niz, one would think!

  4. When I worked as a security guard - talk about slow nights at work! - I used to write some of my best stuff.

  5. Jim - I was! They don't allow me to blog at work, but I just signed up for mobile blogging....
    Sharon - I've been drawing that guy in various forms since high school.... I really would love to patent him!
    Buck - Absolutely! But the occasional false alarms keep us on our toes... none of that happening last night though... the firehouse was quiet!
    Jim- I know what you mean... I usually write my blog posts at work, then copy them to the blog when I get home. Just hit a lull in postable material last night!

  6. Haha LOL I feel you! We learned how to do the Soulja Boy dance in here one night. Talk about bored out of one's skull.....LOL
